Chelsea Martin
Bookkeeper/ Document Control
I was born and raised in Wyoming. I grew up in a town of 250 people called Burlington. I was raised in a Farm/Ranch setting so we had a super fun childhood playing outside, being gone on our horses all day on “adventures”, raising cows, showing fair animals and being “KIDS”. I was a cheerleader and I was the Valedictorian of my graduating class… of 15 lol. I attended Northwest College and graduated with an Associates of Business. I have lived and worked in the Powell/Cody area ever since attending college in Powell. I have worked in Banking, Oil and Gas accounting, and Insurance. I have been married for 8 years, and my husband and I have three kids – 2 girls and one boy.
I enjoy spending time with my family, being outdoors, riding horses and chasing cows on my family ranch. I play the guitar and sing ( I'm a little more rusty since becoming a mom). I wish I was born in the 80’s and love everything about it. I love the hair, clothes, music, & movies!
I have always been an organized person who thrives in structure. I have never liked math. I got hired to work in the accounting department of an Oil & Gas company. My boss wanted to hire someone with no experience so they could train us on the job and we could have an open mind and learn without reservations. She helped show me my love for the structure and cleanliness that Accounting/
Bookkeeping provide. There is a place for every number and there are checks and balances and I love that!!
I have started doing Bookkeeping for Wyoming Linz starting in January of 2020 and am super excited to help create more opportunities for the business to grow and thrive!!

Q: Who has influenced you most when if comes to how you approach work?
A: I would say that my Dad was my biggest influencer when it comes to how I approach my work. He always took pride in his work and put 110% into everything (even if it wasn’t his favorite thing to do) . He taught us that you don’t complain, and do everything to your best ability. He showed us that hard work and perseverance pay off and that it is OK to have fun WHILE you work.
Q: What's the weirdest food you have eaten?
A: I am a super picky eater, so I can SAFELY say --- I have never eaten anything really crazy!
Q: What was your first job?
A: All through High School I waited tables at the small café in my home town.
Q: What trend you you hope makes a comeback?
A: I really want to say everything 80’s (yes EVERYTHING) But I think MORE, I would want the trend to come back of families having dinner together, no cell phones- good conversations and real connections.